Some of My Summer Paintings

I need to get back to my painting. I am not good at multi-tasking, so if I have a writing project my art gets side-lined. However, in July when I visited Ontario I painted with my brother Murray as we have done before and I polished off several small acrylic still lives and some wine. His painting is always worth a peek.

These were so much fun to do and turned out well enough to engender a little pride.

This one is called "Two Lemons." Imagine that.

"Two Onions and Garlic" is the name for this one. These panels are 8X10 inches. I enjoy creating contrasting darks and lights because of the drama it evokes.

I particularly enjoyed mixing the reds to get that deep shade and then find that it didn't muddy as I blended. Acrylic dries so quickly without the use of a medium so this was hastily rendered. Each of these paintings took only 1-2 hours.

Here is "Lime on a Branch" and with rather dry acrylic on my brush I liked the effect of dragging it along edges of the fruit and the leaves so that the canvas grain showed through.

In each of these paintings I began with the backgrounds, simply scribbling colours this way and that, with no attempt to smooth or to conceal stroke line. Sometimes the strokes add character that is compelling.

"Vase with Flowers" was the final piece from this quartet of small art. The Vase is such a deep blue that in this portrayal of the painting it can hardly be seen. The small off white roses have a tender pinkish centre and have been in the vase for a couple of days and are showing their weariness already.

Once again here, I have vigorously used the brush with the background and foreground and with rendering the leaves and stems and petals. It is enjoyable sometimes to be less precise and still to be pleased with the outcome. It is liberating.

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